www. discreetplasticsurgery.com

The Tummy Tuck: A Safe and Discreet Procedure That Boosts Confidence

Despite how Hollywood may make it seem, most women who undergo cosmetic surgery prefer to keep the procedure private. Self-image is important and despite the many other achievements women attain, many are still left feeling insecure because of their appearance. One of the most common problem areas is the stomach. Weight gain and loss and pregnancy can eventually turn a once firm tummy into something they feel to hide. With abdominoplasty manhattan women are able to get back the firm, flat belly they once had and be confident in their appearance again.

Following a tummy tuck manhattan patients are able to disguise their surgery quite easy. There will be no visible bruising as there would be with facial surgery. Most patients are able to return to light duty work within a few days or a couple of weeks, when the drains are removed. Any bandaging at this point can be easily camouflaged under a roomy top. The scars from the procedure will be minimal and hidden low on the body, just above the pubic mound.

Over 100, 000 women in the United States have tummy tucks each year. Depending on the amount of skin that needs to be tightened, either a full tuck or a mini tuck will be performed. The procedure will generally take a couple of hours and some women will need to remain in the hospital overnight. Most will go home the same day as long as they have someone available to care for them at home.

The average abdominoplasty manhattan women undergo can help to remove a few inches from their overall waist measurement. The emphasis in this surgery is on the final appearance and not a number on a tape measure. Once fully healed, the stomach will look smoother and more toned. The best results are always with those people who are at, or very close to, their ideal body weight.

Unlike liposuction, this is not a weight loss procedure. Most cosmetic surgeons will suggest their patients reach their weight goal first because if weight loss happens after surgery, the stomach may not look as tight as it did before.

To find a reputable, talented surgeon to perform a tummy tuck, check out www. discreetplasticsurgery.com/. With the most innovative equipment and a talented team of professionals, they experience can be safe, easy and have beautiful results. Anyone who is interested in improving who they are as opposed to completely changing their appearance will appreciate their approach to cosmetic surgery.